|【ご注意】&br; もうしばらく…,新型コロナウィルス対策のため,[[本学:https://www.it-chiba.ac.jp/institute/covid/]]に自由には入構ができません.|
// &BR;
// |【Attention】&br; For a while ..., to prevent the new coronavirus, [[Our university:https://www.it-chiba.ac.jp/institute/covid/]]You cannot enter freely. |
// &BR;

* 半導体エネルギー変換工学研究室 [#qb249ac2]
* Laboratory of Energy Conversion by Semiconductor [#t5be1ae3]


&size(20){&color(orange){Do you need music when you are near the river?};};



 Very welcome! :) ((This website being created with my gratitude ))&BR;
 This laboratory has just started in April 2012.&BR;
 Almost content in this site are preparing, yet.&BR;

*** [[ニュース]] [#ifa19998]
*** [[News]] [#z2531605]

*** [[学生さんへのメッセージ]] [#g140f12f]
*** [[Message]] [#u571e593]

*** [[Research]] [#ie022df3]

*** [[研究内容]] [#if72ced0]

 We are studying for renewable energy and energy-saving technologies.&BR;
 Focusing on "solar cell" device, we are tackling with each other divided into four research groups.

- [[デバイス・グループ]] -- 最先端デバイスを丁寧に扱う. 
- [[回路作製・グループ]] -- 回路設計ノウハウ蓄積を担う.
- [[計測評価・グループ]] -- 終わりのない装置開発と計測.
- [[数値計算・グループ]] -- モデル化とシミュレーション.
- [[Device]] -- Device group
- [[Circuit]] -- Circuit group
- [[Measurement]] -- Measurement group
- [[Simulation]] -- Simulation group

*** [[メンバー]] [#fa88c39e]
*** [[Member]] [#mc36fcf1]

*** [[イベント]] [#d2b61036]
*** [[Link]] [#dbd58cb0]

*** [[アルバム]] [#i5751122]
*** Address [#n7f13545]
  Post code: 275-0016&BR;
   2-17-1, Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba, Japan&BR;
    Satoh Nobuo&br;

*** [[担当講義]] [#d76db28c]
   [Room] office(21), Building 2, Tsudanuma Campus &BR;
   [TEL] +81-47-478-0441 &BR;
      [FAX] 047-478-0575 &BR;
      [E-Mail] satoh.nobuo +"@"+ it-chiba.ac.jp &BR;
      [MAP] [[pdf:http://www.orange.it-chiba.ac.jp/jpn/image/Map_to_Satoh_lab.pdf]]

*** [[研究室での修行]] [#i23ef57b]
***[[ClustrMaps:http://www3.clustrmaps.com/user/c8c11d25d]] [#a7d6a717]

*** [[電験道場]] [#s3d91498]

*** [[メールに関するお願い]] [#t466b5f4]

*** 佐藤の[[想ひ]] [#zed63187]

*** 住所 [#kcc2c3c6]

   千葉工業大学 工学部 機械電子創成工学科&BR;
   [[佐藤 宣夫]]&br;

   【居室】津田沼キャンパス2号館 オフィス(21)&BR;
   【E-Mail】satoh.nobuo +"@"+ it-chiba.ac.jp &BR;

*** [[リンク]] [#qad0d7a0]

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